Saturday, 25 August 2007

Hundreds of Photos

Now Available.

Basel, Zurich, Freiburg, Black Forest, Munich + Dachau Concentration Camp + Neuschwanstien + Deutsche Museum, Innsbruck + Alpine Zoo, Salzburg + Ice Caves, Bratislava and Vienna.

Check 'em out! Photo overload!


Anonymous said...

Well, thanks for the photos! Now I don't have to go to vienna anymore... Good thing I didn't waste my time doing that!

JP said...

What do you mean? Vienna is wicked!

Anonymous said...

Seems like they don't do sarcasm in Saltzburg...

Anonymous said...

That huge castle and the view from there is just awesome in those pictures. I can see why you're not so enamoured by other castles now.


JP said...

Yeah, after you see some massive castles, the lesser ones start to pale a bit :P